Roudnice-czech sup white water race


1st race of the Czech Cup in white water paddleboarding in 2024

will take place on an artificial slalom course in ROUDNICE nad Labem.

date: 1.6.-2.6. 2024

Time schedule:


12:00 - 18:00 free practice

followed by evening entertainment with music productions: Mc Kajag Ukulele, Cajon, Beatbox, Freestylerap ..


8:00 - 9:00 registration for the race, issue of start numbers

9:00 skippers meeting, interpretation of the rules

10:00 START Sprint - bottom track

approx. 12:00 START Board X - lower or upper track

from approx. 15:00 accompanying program - massocros race,

approx. 19:00 announcement of results Sprint + Board X

followed by evening entertainment with music production


9:00 - 10:00 registration for the race, issue of start numbers

10:00 skippers meeting, interpretation of the rules

11:00 START Slalom - Round I - bottom track

12:00 START Slalom - II. bike

13:00 START Slalom - patrols

14:00 PRICEGIVING of slalom results and MČR combination


Sprint (time trial)

Race for about 1 minute of paddling. Only the clean time at the finish is decisive. The top 16 men and the top 8 women will qualify for the next boardcross race.

Board Cross

They race in the way of races and finally the final races. Competitors are ranked based on the results of the time trial. Each will ride at least 2 races. In one race, 4 boards run at once.


Individual race with at least 10 slalom goals (of which at least 3 anti-water). Each competitor rides two races, and the result is a better ride. For a touch of goal 2 penalty seconds, for failure or incorrect pass 50 penalty seconds.


The basic division is the division of the sexes - men x women.

The main (only) category of boats will be inflatable boards up to 12' in length.

The junior categories U14 and U18 and the MASTERS 45+ categories will also be listed according to the number of registered juniors.

The results of the combination Slalom + Sprint + Board Cross will also be announced.


The competitor must be equipped with a life jacket, a helmet and boots to protect his toes. The competitor must be a good swimmer, must be healthy and reasonably physically fit. Each competitor starts at his own risk. Everyone starts at their own risk and by signing the attendance list they also agree with the operating rules of artificial course.


Inflatable boards with a maximum length of less than 12´00´´, width unlimited, weight unlimited, fleece fixed.

The competitor must complete all disciplines on the same board! The mark and length of the board shall be stated in the application. The board can be changed at the latest when the start number is picked up.

Entry fee:

Sprint + Board Cross 300 CZK online, 400 CZK on the spot

Slalom 300 CZK online, 400 CZK on the spot

Sp + Board X + Sl 500 CZK online, 700 CZK on the spot

ON-LINE - by transfer: TBA 

Payment in cash on the day of the race upon registration.



camp- almost right by the water. Possibility to use the hostel, which is part of the camp.


pension- 1 km from racearea


How to get to the race site:

By car: it is about one hour of driving from Prague airport

By public transport: Take the AE bus to Prague Main Railway Station. Then take the train in the direction of "Děčín" and get off at the "Roudnice nad Labem" station. Furthermore, it is only a 500m walk across the bridge to the right bank of the river. The whole trip from the airport takes about 2 hours.

How great was last year paddling you can see below.