Individual event organizers can set their own rules. However, the following applies to most races.
Sprint (time trial)
Race for about 1 minute of paddling. Only the clean time at the finish is decisive. The top 16 men and the top 8 women will qualify for the boardcross race.
SUP slalom - Similar to canoe slalom, you will have to navigate around both upstream and downstream. Negotiate the gates to get to the bottom with the quickest time. But, be careful not to rush as touching or missing a gate will cost you valuable seconds.
SUPX - Racing 3-6 paddlers at a time, you will have to navigate a number of buoys while avoiding the other competitors on the water. In this race, contact is allowed so get your tactics ready.
The basic division is the division of the sexes - men x women.
The main (only) category of boats will be inflatable boards up to 12'' in length.
Junior categories U14 and U18 will also be listed according to the number of registered juniors.
The results of the combination Slalom + Sprint + Board Cross will also be announced.
The competitor must be equipped with a PFD (life jacket), a helmet and boots to protect his toes. The competitor must be a good swimmer, must be healthy and reasonably physically fit. Each competitor starts at his own risk. Everyone starts at their own risk and by signing the attendance list they also agree with the operating rules of artificial course.
Inflatable boards with a maximum length of less than 12´00´´, width unlimited, weight unlimited, flexi fins.
The competitor must complete all disciplines on the same board! The brand and length of the board shall be stated in the application. The board can be changed at the latest when the start number is picked up.